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Toothache? Call us immediately

Mar 21, 2023


Tootaches can be a minor irritation, or they can be an indication of something much more serious. If you're not quite sure how serious something is, set an appointment with us. 

It happens to the best of us—a sudden twinge in your mouth that makes you wince. A tootache can range from a minor irritation to something much more serious. How do you know when it’s time to seek professional help? Let’s discuss the different types of tootaches and what they might mean.

Achey Teeth or Gums

If your teeth or gums are feeling sore, this could be an indication of gum disease, an infection, or even tooth decay. If the pain continues for a few days, it’s time to set up an appointment with your dentist. At Divine Dental in Scottsdale, AZ, we have a team of professionals who can help diagnose and treat whatever is causing your discomfort.


If you notice that cold or hot drinks are making your teeth hurt, then this could be a sign that there is something wrong with one (or more) of your teeth. This type of “zinging” sensation is often caused by enamel erosion due to acidity (such as from drinking soda). Your dentist can recommend treatments such as fluoride varnish or dental sealants that will protect your enamel and reduce sensitivity.

Sharp Pain

If you experience sharp pain when biting down on food or applying pressure on either side of your tooth then this could be a sign that you have cracked a tooth or even damaged the nerve inside the tooth itself. It is important to see a dentist as soon as possible if you are experiencing sharp pains in your teeth because they will need to determine if you need treatment such as root canal therapy or even surgery depending on the severity of the damage.                   

Nice Smile

Whether it’s dull aches, sharp pains, or sensitivity - tootaches should never be taken lightly! If something doesn’t feel right in your mouth—even if it seems relatively minor—it is important that you set up an appointment with a qualified professional so they can assess what is going on and suggest treatment options if necessary. At Divine Dental in Scottsdale, AZ, our team has years of experience diagnosing and treating all sorts of dental issues – big and small alike! So don't hesitate - contact us today!

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